It is very easy to send a harsh email to an employee. It is difficult to confront a person on your team and change their behavior. Successful small business owners coach and mentor their employees with face-to-face communication in order to influence their behavior in a positive way.

Leaders Don’t Hide Behind Email


Officers Eat Last #95

Morale destroying technique

I worked for a boss that executed the hide behind email technique. Talk about creating an environment that destroys morale, this is it. He didn’t want to talk to anyone on the team to work through a problem or issue. He wanted to write long emails using ALL CAPS to make his point. That was the most funny part about it. The guy is writing an email and I’m supposed to pay attention more if he uses ALL CAPS. Needless to say, I did not like working for this guy and got away from him as soon as I could. This is actually partly where this Rule came from. Don’t hide behind email. Talk to your employees face-to-face. If you are separated by long distances, you need to use video or as a last resort talk to your employees on the phone.